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8 resources for developers


XHTML - Webopedia Definition and Links
XHTML - Webopedia Definition and Links

Describes and defines the term 'XHTML.'
XHTML - Webopedia Definition and Links

XHTML Character Entity Reference
XHTML Character Entity Reference

A listing of many XHTML codes for non-standard ASCII characters.
XHTML Character Entity Reference

HTML and XHTML Document Type Definitions
HTML and XHTML Document Type Definitions

This page lists and provides links to standard DTDs and SGML declarations for HTML and its successor language, XHTML.
HTML and XHTML Document Type Definitions

HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference

Element and attribute definitions and examples, with alphabetical index, and also sorting by function.
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference

Ektron, Inc.
Ektron, Inc.

Offer full-featured WYSIWYG XHTML/HTML editors for web content and document management. Includes product and support information.
Ektron, Inc.

XHTML Basic Reference
XHTML Basic Reference

Complete reference with examples and relevant links to the W3C standard.
XHTML Basic Reference

XHTML 1.0 Reference
XHTML 1.0 Reference

Complete reference with examples and relevant links to the W3C standard.
XHTML 1.0 Reference

Context Sensitive XHTML
Context Sensitive XHTML

This paper tries to introduce some new elements into the HTML language. The purpose of these elements is to create documents that can contain different pieces of information at the same time. These various pieces of information can be presented to the use
Context Sensitive XHTML

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